sushi blues cafe


On this weeks adventure through downtown Raleigh, I visited a little place called Sushi Blues Cafe. Located on Glenwood avenue, Sushi Blues is the perfect place to go when searching for any kind of sushi or Japanese food. They offer outdoor seating as well as indoor seating, but when the weather is right you can’t beat sitting outside. Sushi blues offers a very relaxing atmosphere with a very jazzy/blues feel (hence the name sushi blues).

Sushi Blues has an incredible sushi menu with other fifty different rolls to choose from. They have a lot of simple rolls and also have a lot of complex rolls with tons of different ingredients. Most of the rolls have some sort of seafood so I definitely wouldn’t recommend eating here if you’re deathly allergic to seafood. They have anything from crab and lobster to salmon, tuna and eel. They also have a roll that has chicken for all you chicken lovers out there. And if none of that sounds appealing or you just don’t eat any kind of meat, they have a vegetarian list to choose from. One of my favorite things about this restaurant is that on the “specialty” menu, all of the rolls are named after someone/something famous and well known Raleigh names. Some of these include: the Marilyn Monroe, the Steven Tyler, the Rat Pack, the Carter Finley, the Gottfried, and Jimmy V.

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So they have a variety to choose from and even give their sushi cool names but the absolute best thing about the Sushi Blues menu (and I really don’t think anyone can argue with this) is the buy one get one free deal!!!! Yes I said free. To a college student, that word means everything. Always take advantage of anything and everything that is free, so surely take advantage of this BOGO deal. So basically make sure you come to Sushi Blues on a full stomach and splurge on your favorite roll because guess what? That second roll is free and you will want to eat it all.

Sushi Blues also offers a lot more than sushi though. On the lunch menu they offer items such as teriyaki and tempura meals, stir fry, and even have roll specials that come with soup. The dinner menu is basically a step up from the lunch menu offering most of the same things with just a lot more options. Along with the dinner and lunch menus, Sushi Blues also has a complex drink menu with lots of different options to choose from. They even offer daily specials, so if your of age be sure to take advantage of that. And if at the end of your meal you still haven’t had enough, they even offer dessert items.

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what I ordered:

I will start with saying that I’m not a huge fan of all Japanese food and I totally only come to this place for the sushi and  since there are sooo many choices it was hard for me to narrow it down to just two different rolls. But somehow I managed to finally narrow it down and I decided on the Sweet Home Alabama roll and the Big Count Basie.

The Sweet Home Alabama roll is my absolute favorite thing to order. Inside it has tempura chicken, cucumber, spicy mayo sauce, fresh spring mix and has roe and sesame seeds on top. I love this roll because unlike most types of sushi, it has chicken instead of some kind of seafood. It’s very different and has a very original taste.

The other roll I order, the Big Count Basie, is actually from the vegetarian section. Although I am not a vegetarian, the big count is another one of my favorite rolls. This roll has sweet potato tempura, zucchini tempura, as well as cucumber and sesame seeds on top. I feel like this is also very original because it has sweet potato which isn’t your go to sushi ingredient.

Although these two rolls are what I ordered and happen to be two of my favorites, there are so many more choices and I would totally recommend trying new and off the wall things. One day I even want to step outside my comfort zone and order something other than sushi (maybe, lol).

As this post comes to an end I just want to say thank you for reading my blog and be sure to come back each week to see where I visit next!

2 thoughts on “sushi blues cafe

  1. This blog is great! I absolutely love Sushi Blues. I really like that you went to the actual restraunt and took your own photos. I also find it really cool that you described your order. I look forward to reading your posts about new restaraunts every week!


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