the station

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For this week’s feature I visited a little corner bar called The Station. You can locate The Station on the corner of Person Street and Pace Street in Raleigh’s Historic Oakwood neighborhood. As some of you Raleigh historians may know, an Amoco gas station stood in the exact same place years and years ago (also where the name The Station comes from). The Station is a very friendly place to visit and is super creative and cozy on the inside and out. It’s mostly an outdoor restaurant but they do have some inside seating as well as fire pits for when it gets a little too cold outside. Whether you’re stopping in for lunch or just grabbing a drink, the Station is the perfect place to visit with an awesome atmosphere. Also, this week’s weather made for a perfect outdoor meal, so why not visit The Station?

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The Station offers a very unique menu. They take super traditional menu items and put creative spins on each one. The  Station has a full menu including starters, soups and salads, sandwiches and kid items as well as a full drink menu. No matter what you traditionally like to eat, I promise you will be able to find something on the menu you will enjoy. Some of the main dishes that The Station offers are the Cuban sandwich, the Bahn Mi, a Smoked Salmon BLT, their famous Station burger (which btw are only FIVE BUCKS on Mondays), a Sloppy Joe, Black Bean burger, and the Brown Butter Beer Grilled Cheese. For sides they offer homemade chips, season wedges (fries), roasted vegetables, and my personal favorite, mac and cheese.

what I ordered:IMG_5584

Having been to the Station multiple times prior to my most recent visit, I have had the opportunity to try different items from the menu. But this time I wanted to try something I had never had before. After talking with my awesome waiter, Chyna (maybe his name was Chad, I’m not really sure), he convinced me to order the Sloppy Joe. I’m not one to traditionally order some so messy, slightly because I’m prone to food stained clothes, but I was really excited  for my meal after it being recommended so highly.

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The sandwich was your typical sloppy joe filling topped with pimento cheese and a few of the homemade chips and I also ordered the chips as my side. I wasn’t particularly excited about the pimento cheese because I don’t normally eat it, but I’m so glad I got it because it made the sandwich a hundred times better. The homemade chips are always amazing and the homemade ranch makes them even better. Another side I would recommend getting is definitely the mac and cheese, it is freaking awesome. I was very pleased with my meal and I would definitely order it again.

Oh, and I almost forgot to mention!!!! Make sure you order yourself a glass of sweet tea, because it’s surely some of the best in downtown Raleigh and even comes in a little mason jar.

The Station is a great place to go for a lunch break, on a date, with your family, or even for a drink. It’s laid back atmosphere will make you forget about the craziness beyond in the downtown Raleigh area. So if you’re ever in the area be sure to drop in.

Don’t forget to check back next week to see where my next stop will be!

5 thoughts on “the station

  1. Ok so I love sloppy joes and sweet tea oh and also Mac and cheese so I will definitely have to look into going back. I have been before and there cheeseburgers are to die. Simple good old fashioned food with a spin as you said. I’ll have to try the sweet tea, it’s so hard to find good sweet tea, it’s either to sweet or not sweet enough.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. After being to The Station a few times, I can also attest to the awesome sweet tea! I have never tried their sloppy joe’s, but after this review I will definitely be ordering that next!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’ve never been to The Station, but after reading your post on it I will definitely check it out. I like how you detailed the menu and gave a review to what you ordered. It gives everyone an in depth look at what this place offers. A food critic is a definite for all these places in Raleigh. I’ll keep viewing your blog so that I learn about these interesting places to eat at.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Since moving to Raleigh, The Station has become one of my favorite bar to go to! The food is great, and the bartenders always super friendly! My favorite meal to order would have to be the Station Salad! Your pictures are great, by the way! I look forward to reading your next blog post!


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