armadillo grill

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This week I decided it was time to adventure out a little bit. Instead of visiting a typical sit-down-for-dinner restaurant, I chose to go somewhere fun, quick and easy! What better place than Armadillo Grill? Dillo (for short) is located right on Glenwood Ave in the heart of Downtown Raleigh. A lot like Dos Taquitos XOCO, where I visited a few weeks back, Dillo is an authentic Tex-Mex restaurant that never gets old. They have both indoor and outdoor seating but I would totally recommend sitting outside if the weather is just right.

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Armadillo Grill has a pretty basic menu. They have tacos, tacos, and well, more tacos. Along with tacos they also have burritos, enchiladas, chalupas, nachos, wings and salads.  They also have some of the best queso and chips around and the guacamole isn’t all that bad either. All of their items are build-your-own so you can make your meal just how you like it.

One thing that is unique about Dillo is that instead of walking in and sitting down to order or walking up to a counter to place your order, you instead walk in and fill out an order pad. First you write your name at the top and mark wether it’s “for here” or “to go.” Then you choose what you would like to order. When ordering tacos you can choose between chicken, steak, chili, guac, or beans and cheese taco and then you can customize it by adding whatever kind of toppings you’d like. If your not in the mood for tacos you can simply mark down one of the other options. They don’t have a ton of options but I guarantee you they have something on their menu that you would enjoy!

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what I ordered:

I will go ahead and say that Dillo is one of my all time favorite Raleigh restaurants and I probably go a lot more than I should. So ordering isn’t complicated for me at all. I normally get the chicken taco dillo deal which is a pretty awesome deal if you ask me. For like $7.95 you get one chicken taco with queso and chips and a drink. Queso can get pricey depending on where you go, so getting a taco, chips, a drink and queso for under ten bucks is pretty freaking awesome for me. Usually one taco fills me up, but if you’re feeling a little bit more hungry I would definitely recommend adding a second taco for like two or three bucks more.

Another great thing about Armadillo grill is that they partner with the mobile app Stealz to save people like you and me money every time you visit the location. After downloading the app you can receive points for checking in and sharing pictures and updates to different social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. After you receive so many points you get awesome rewards like free chips and queso (5 points), one free taco (10 points), one free burrito (15 points), free nachos (15 points), or a free t-shirt (30 points). If you haven’t already I would definitely recommend downloading Stealz because they are partnered with not just Armadillo Grill but a lot of other restaurants throughout the Raleigh area!

For more information about Armadillo Grill you can visit their website at! Be sure to check back next week and see where we visit next!

6 thoughts on “armadillo grill

  1. I actually ended up going here this past weekend with my friend! Such an incredible place, with absolutely amazing food. I got the same meal you did… and it was fabulous.

    Your reviews are always the best!


  2. I totally love how you go into such detail when talking about the restaurants you blog about. I also really like that you take your own pictures! look forward to reading your next post!


  3. I have driven past this restaurant so many times and never thought to stop in until reading this post! I wish I had known about the Stealz app sooner I could have been racking up some points and earning free things. Thanks for this post!


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